quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2020

Java application for converting 264 files produced by some Chinese IP cameras



Commandline Java tool for converting .264 files produced by some Chinese IP cameras

chipcaco-java (Chinese IP Camera Converter) is a Java application for converting .264 files produced by some Chinese IP cameras like TPTEK, IeGeek, and other brands that uses CamHi software.

The H.264 recordings downloaded from the camera can't be played or converted by common applications like VLC.

This software remove the proprietary extensions from the video so can be played on any video player.

This is a JAVA port of the C application by Ralph Spitzner, and also based on the node-JS port by Sven Jacobs

If you are looking for a video player and  Converter for Windows/Mac with Graphical Interface for Chinese Cameras recordings I recomend to try HIP2P Client (from IPCAM XIN). Chipcaco-java is better used when command-line tool is needed, and works on any Operational System with Java Virtual Machine 8 or newest.


Download JAR file chipcaco.jar: chipcaco.jar

Source Code: https://github.com/rodrigoeggea/chipcaco-java


java -jar chipcaco.jar <source file> 

where <src> is the source file produced by the camera. The output file has same name but with .h264 extension.

Note: The produced file must likely be additionally processed by ffmpeg or similar applications before it can be played. Example:

Only copy H264 frames and fix FPS (can be played only in VLC)

ffmpeg -framerate 25 -i intermediate.h264 -c copy video.h264

Converting to MP4 and fix FPS (can be player in any Video Player or Browser)

ffmpeg -framerate 25 -i intermediate.264 video.mp4  

sábado, 5 de setembro de 2020

JavaInterface jipopt.dll compiled in 64-bits for Windows with HS71 example


JavaInterface jipopt.dll compiled in 64-bits for Windows with HS71 example

Ipopt is a solver for large scale nonlinear optimization problems (NLP) with non-linear contraints. The Java Native Interface (JNI) is a programming framework that allows Java code running in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to call and be called by native applications and libraries written in languages such as C and C++. JIpopt requires Java 5 or higher.

The Official Jipopt website provides pre-compiled DLL's with Ipopt+MUMPS for Win32 platforms and for Ubuntu Linux i386.

Due to the lack of this jipopt library compiled for Java Runtime 64-bits, I compiled and providing in this repository with the original sample code HS71 together with the 64-bit compiled jipopt.dll.

This jipopt library was compiled by the source Ipopt-3.12.13 in Windows10 using MSYS2-64bits and following the instructions Installing Ipopt with some workarounds.


Java JDK 64-bits for Windows - Java SE Development Kit

Eclipse IDE - Eclipse IDE


  1. Clone this GIT Project to Eclipse

  2. Add the folder "jni_dependency" to Windows PATH variable (See README.TXT)

  3. Restart Eclipse

  4. Run the java example "HS01.java"



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